ADVENT 2021: DAY 1 - Preparing With Purpose


DAY 1: Purpose & Light

By Pastor Courtney Hall

(Sun. Nov. 28, 2021)

Today is the first Sunday in Advent, the traditional period of preparation leading up to the celebration of Christ’s birth on Christmas Day. Over the next 27 days, we’ll be “Preparing with Purpose” as we consider a unique theme each day of Advent, focused on pursuing God’s purposes in all our holiday season plans & preparations.

This evening also happens to be the beginning of Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating God’s miraculous provision of light to His people in the Temple when they were under siege from foreign oppressors. Both Hanukkah & Christmas emphasize God’s gift of light to a dark world, the blessing of His Presence, & the promise of His Salvation. And so today & throughout this week, we’re especially mindful of the Lord’s guiding LIGHT.

When times seems dark, LOOK TO THE LIGHT. As we PREPARE WITH PURPOSE over the next four weeks this Advent season, let's remember that even in the midst of busy times & any personal trials or darkness we may face, it's the love of the Lord that lights our hearts with His hope. Take time to consider His purposes for you this month & make your plans according to the light of His perfect will.



“The people who walk in darkness will see great light; Those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them." (Compare also Matthew 4:16)
