Advent Week 3
Advent 3: JOY
December 15, 2024 at 7:00:00 PM
SCRIPTURE TEXT: Isaiah 12:1-6; Luke 2:8-20
In week three of our Advent focus on The Candles of Christmas, we look to the third candle on the Advent wreath, the Shepherds Candle that symbolizes JOY. As Christmas Day approaches, we rejoice all the more at the expected coming of Christ. This candle's message calls to mind the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to see Jesus in Bethlehem. Traditionally pink, this candle comes clad in the liturgical color for joy.
PREACHER: Pastor Courtney Hall
SERIES: The Candles of Christmas: Vision for Advent & Provision From Christ
The Third Sunday in Advent
SERMON TITLE: "Receive a Great Truth: The Shepherds Candle - JOY"
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