Men's Ministry
Our mission is to bring valuable resources to men in order to strengthen our local church men’s ministry. We do this through articles, social media, video, books and study guides. You can read more about the general mission of the Men's Ministry below.
Our Men's Ministry aims to be a group where "guy talk" becomes God talk, where men see each other as brothers in Christ and foster an honest atmosphere in which they can share together openly without fear of being judged and with the assurance that together, we shall be as "iron sharpening iron" (Prov 27:17) and strengthening one another's faith. At PCF Men's Ministry, men encourage one another to become what God created them to be, finding the fullness of their potential in Christ and enjoy the full fruitfulness of fellowship among brothers (Psalm 133:1).
Mission Statement
Our mission is to lead men to Christ and disciple them toward maturity in Christ, so that they develop spiritually into Christ-like, servant-hearted leaders in their respective spheres of influence.
We reach un-churched men through Christian men appealing to that which is real & relevant to the men around them (1 Corinthians 9:22).
We study the life and ministry of Jesus that teaches discipleship and His method of ministry.
We take men who are leaders and train them to be on mission as men who will engage their homes, workplaces, friends, and communities with the gospel.
We fellowship as men living God-centered lives together, "that times of refreshing may come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19) and tso that we might brighten each other's lives (cf. Matt. 5:14) and sharpen one another's faith (Prov. 27:17; 1 Thess. 5:11).
The men’s group of PCF-LA is not only about equipping. We believe that if we learn and do not put into practice what we have learned, we fall short (James 1:22-25; cf. Phil. 4:9; 2 Pet. 1:5, 10).
Our sole purpose is to train and disciple men, so they may go and do the same (Matt. 28:19-20). We want the result to be seen in our men reaching other men for Christ.