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Worship Ministry

Through music, dance, and prayer, we aim for an atmosphere of worship where hearts can be open and prepared for the Presence and Word of God.  Our desire is not primarily to craft a performance, but rather to encounter God and His Grace, and to praise and glorify His Name as we seek Him in all of His ways.


Worship Arts in our Sunday morning congregational services consist of congregational praise and worship, choir, instruments, dancers, and soloists.  We also have special worship arts events throughout the year such as at Christmas time, our Easter Celebration, and more.


If you would like to learn more about our worship arts ministry, please contact the church office at (213) 484-8294 for more information or speak with our Worship, Pastor Wilson Reyes.

"Our mission is to passionately lead people to glorify, praise, love, honor and exalt God through worship."

Wilson Reyes -  Worship Pastor

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