Dear PCF Family & Friends in Christ, The history of PCF is HIS story of amazing and awesome faithfulness of God who called us 26 years ago to pioneer this ministry with less than a dozen people including six from my family is indeed a monumental testimony of God's mighty work. Echoing the overwhelming awareness of what our Sovereign Lord has done, King David humbly and gratefully declared, "Then King David went in and sat before The Lord, and he said, "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is family that you brought me this far? What more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Sovereign Lord. For the sake of your WORD and according to WILL you have done this great thing and made it known to your servant." 2 Samuel 7:18;20-21
We give all the glory and thanks to you O, Sovereign Lord for all that you done through the years. For countless lives that have been touched and transformed by your Word and Holy Spirit, marriages mended, multiple miracles and churches planted, to YOU alone we give all the glory! "ONE VOICE " is our theme that calls for greater unity and humility in listening and obeying our Lord Jesus Christ the Head of the church. Let us Exalt our Lord Jesus through Worship and Demonstrate Love to one another. God's Manifold Blessings Be Yours, Pstr Joe & Sis. Beth Danganan