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Lifting Our Prayers to God

Guest Blogger: Pastor Henjie Pimenta

How wonderful it is when we lift up something in prayer to God. The outcome is always unbelievable, far better than what we expect most of the times. And so, because of this we continue to lift prayers to God not just our own concerns but for others as well. We will never run out of prayer requests, and if we think we do, all we have to do is look at the daily news around the world and you will realize that our very own concern is just a drop in a bucket.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Does it ever occur to you what really motivates the terrorist in putting their lives on the line, what is their driving force that they are so willing to die for it? Yes, we may probably know that their price awaits in heaven. But, what a gruesome way to receive reward in heaven. I will still settle for martyrdom than foolishness. Love to be loved than hate to be hated.

Meanwhile, on the other side of archipelago, those nurses that took care of the infants with ebola have passed away so as those babies. From a radio interview to one of the remaining workers across the mile, she was asked “when are you coming home?” and she answered, “I am home.”... My hat’s off to them. I felt their cause. The passion and compassion to the needy . What a sweet way to leave earth knowing that you have given your best so that others may benefit. Worthy of a noble cause. And for that I am sure is far better than the former.

Both have given life to the fullest, driven by what they believe in. Are we like them or can we be like them in some ways? As in driven by what we believe in Jesus and are so willing to give all the way to the fullest, since we have a much divine cause and God glorifying endeavor and so sure of our heavenly dwelling since we are God’s children to begin with.

Like the battle field between the military and the terrorists, let’s explode the world with the gospel of Jesus. And like the rapid spread of virus, let’s infect everyone with the love of Jesus. With what we have, we should be spiritually contagious. Amen.

With all that was mentioned, we can start with prayer and fasting as we empty ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with His presence and be the vessel that He wants us to be. It will be an overflowing of His greatness and majesty.

I thank God for you and may He shower more of Himself over you and your family. In Jesus name. Amen.

Fellow servant in Christ,

Pastor Henjie

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Praise Christian Fellowship is a family of Christian faith and a local expression of the Body of Christ composed of people who have encountered the love, redemption, & transformation available in our Risen Lord & Savior, Jesus.  As followers of Christ, we of PCF Los Angeles dedicate ourselves to serving our Lord, studying the Scriptures, caring for one another, calling all to Christian discipleship, and carrying out our mission of Good News and kind works to the world in the Name of the Son, by the power of the Spirit, to the glory of our heavenly Father.



"When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven & consumed the burnt offering & the sacrifices, & the glory of the LORD filled the temple." (2 Chronicles 7:1)


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